Enjoy the new Yatango 4G Prepaid FREE for the 1st Month

Yatango Mobile has made changes to improve their service so now you get better connection and at alower price. Yatango is now on Optus 4G which means faster Mobile Broadband for users and that is not the only good news , Yatango Mobile also offers a 1 month free trial on their 600 Min, 600 SMS, 1 GB Data plan and their new $99 10 GB 4G Data Plan. Want another way to save money? Yatango offers you a free sim if you port a number so if you have a number lying around, you can port that and save yourself the $10 sim fee . f you don't have a number you can buy a $2 SIM and save $8 or get a free sim from Lyca Mobile to use for a port.