Hot Sales on Xbox 360 Consoles at DSE Starting from $149 Only

If you are planning to get a new Xbox 360 consoles or get an extra as gift, you can check out Dick Smith Xbox 360 Sale. They are limited quantities so grab them quickly. You can buy Xbox 360 Arcade for as low as $149! The Xbox 360 with 60Gb Pro Gears of War Bundle is for $299 only! It has Gears of War 1+2 game. For $249 only, you can have the Xbox 360 60Gb Pro Console Holiday Bundle! It will come with Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda games. The other items on sale are The GodFather 2 for $5, Guitar Hero: World Tour (Xbox 360 Game Only) for $30, Gears of War 2 Limited Edition for $20 and more!