GOOD DEAL! Windows 8 Pro for only $14.99! at windowsupgradeoffer

You can actually pay cheap for a Windows 8 Pro Upgrade and pay only $14.99 if you purchase the upgrade through the Windows Upgrader Offer website. It's essential though that you should have bought your Win7 PC between June 2, 2012 and January 31, 2013 for you to take advantage of this offer. What you need to do is to first go to the website and register for an upgrade ID. Click on another link (which will be given on the site) and use your ID to generate your promo code. Afterwards, simply download the upgrade manager from Windows' website, type in your promo code and proceed through all processes including the verification process. This is a time limited offer though and will end on February 28, 2013. Win7 Product Key and Win7 OEM Certificate of Authenticity are both required for the offer to work.