Get Free Water Saving Shower Heads 2, Energy Efficient Globes 8

Do you want to save $210 from your household fixtures by simply calling TRU Energy? Yes, they are giving out a worth of $210 supplies and installation of Water Saving Shower Heads and Energy Efficient Globe. You can get a maximum of 2 for Shower Heads and a maximum of 8 for Efficient Globe. You just simply call TRU Energy and set an appointment for them to come to your place. A certified auditor will conduct a thorough assessment and provide you the results whether the fixtures can be upgraded or not. If it can be upgraded, they will work on it! To show you how they come up with $210 savings with this service and supplies, here is some of the details: save $4.99 on each CFL globe plus $61.60 on each showerhead with low flow. You can contact them at 1-800-368-476 for more information.