Amazing Deal: Washburn Electric Guitar Randall Amp Pack for $299

SC Music has provided great offer for the musicians, specially for the guitarists. They have brought the Washburn Electric Guitar and Randall Amp only at the special price of $299. The guitar comes with a package for the customers and the package includes a lot of important jamming stuffs. The list of the stuffs in the package of "Washburn IDOL WI-SCM" are given below: * Washburn IDOL WI14 electric guitar * Metallic Grey finish * Randall RA15G 15 watt Guitar Amplifier * Washburn Padded Gig Bag * Adjustable Guitar strap * Digital Tuner * Guitar Cable * Guitar picks * DVD of eMedia Learn-to-Play Guitar * DVD of Learn-to-Play Working Class Man * DVD of Learn-to-Play Eagle Rock * DVD of Learn-to-Play April Sun in Cuba * DVD of Learn-to-Play Are You Gonna Be My Girl * DVD of Learn-to-Play Take a Long Line * DVD of Lick Library Learn-to-Play Wolfmother * Professional set-up