Warcraft 2 Battlenet Edition + Dark Portal Expansion PC Game $35

Dooverlackies has a great offer on these PC Games. Now you can get the Warcraft 2 Battlenet Edition plus Dark Portal Expansion PC Game for only $35 which comes with free delivery. You get 2 games for the the price of 1. Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition is an Battle.net-enabled version of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, with the expansion Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal built in. The game features many upgrades and enhancements over the original version. Features from StarCraft, such as right-click commands for units, and queuing multiple units for production, were implemented. The game was also ported to be natively supported under Windows, unlike the original game which ran under DOS. It also has added support for Battle.net.