Avail up to $50 voucher when you purchase products in World Onlin

Avail as much as $50 to $300 voucher when you purchase any of the products from 2nd World Online Store. Just enter your voucher code at the bottom of the 'cart' to avail the voucher. The following are the terms and conditions when claiming the voucher: • $50 voucher code is valid until Sunday 27th April 2014 inclusive only. • Valid at all 2nds World stores and online for purchases over $300 inc GST in one transaction, excluding delivery and installation charges. • $50 voucher is only valid on ticketed price. No further discounts apply. • $50 voucher is not redeemable or transferable for cash. • Not available for trade sales. • NO RAINCHECKS. • $50 discount is valid for one transaction per family only. • $50 voucher cannot be redeemed on delivery and installation charges that may apply. • 2nds World reserve the right to cancel orders if these terms and conditions are not met.