Only $45 for unlimited calls and text! Check this out!

Hi guys, so Vodafone is offering new plans. This is available from 17th Nov 2010 so there hasn't been an official announcement now but you can be ready for now. New plans doesn't offer bette price but sure a better plan. The capacity and unlimited calls are increased. Good enough right? $45 credit for Voicemail / 13 & 18 numbers / re-routed calls / directory assistance / (no international calls included on $45, only on above plans), $65 plan – Unlimited national calls (Landlines and Mobiles) Unlimited SMS/MMS to national / international numbers 2GB internet or, Free BIS and 500mb of internet, $85 plan - Unlimited national calls (Landlines and Mobiles) Unlimited SMS/MMS to national / international numbers 3GB internet or, Free BIS and 1.5GB of internet. Enjoy!