Deal on up to 50% off on Video software products at Toolfarm

If you are a visual effect or motion graphics artist, or even an architect this is a right deal for you! You can find many discount at Toolfarm on many plug-ins, but now they have some amazing specials that are even cheaper than their discounts! You can get 21% off Get all of these items: Maxon Cinema 4D Studio R14 Greyscalegorilla Everything C4D Bundle Video Copilot 3D Architecture Bundle Renderking Vray Texture Pack Making It Look Great 8-10 Training Bundle Toolfarm University After Effects & C4D 3D Tracker Training for the Price of Cinema 4D Studio alone. The deal expires April 15 2013. 30% Off All Products Including Light Kit Pro, Transform, Texture Kit Pro, HDRI Studio Pack and More, including Multi-License Options. Deal ends on April 9 2013 50% Off All Products, including Damage, Delirium and the new Phenomena Nature Package Effects from Delirium. Deal ends on April 14 2013 AND many more!