Humble Flash Bundle for 11 Bit Studio

Humble Bundle is a very well known bundle site where they sell indie games at a very low price to support both the developers and a charity. It's labeled as a Pay What You Want bundle for the games, but to receive Steam keys, you'll need to pay at least $1 for the first tier. If you pay for the first tier, you'll receive Anomaly: Warzone Earth(and the mobile campaign), Sleepwalker's Journey, and Funky Smugglers. The second tier unlocks at $6 and contains Anomaly Korea and Anomaly 2. The last tier unlocks at $10 and will reward those who hit that tier with SPACECOM. Anomaly is a tower-defense and First Person Shooter game that blends both into one game perfectly for seamless play. The charities that are supported are the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Child's Play Charity.