4 Velocity Members Points Per $1 (Extra Free ship), % or $ off

The full list of deals you can find here: http://estore.velocityfrequentflyer.com/az and here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/134686 Some also have extras such as free shipping and voucher codes to get $ off for different purchases. You can also win gift vouchers to the value of $10,000 by spending through the velocity links (you are automatically included into the list of perspective winners). To start you just need to log into Velocity and click through to the retailer Details here: http://estore.velocityfrequentflyer.com/shopping-spree-compe... Some deals available: - Mens Shop 4 points per $1 +(free shipping); - Wiggle.co.uk 4 points per $1 + (free shipping); - Surfstich 4 points per $1 + (voucher codes for discounts on different spends). They are: $50 off for $200 spending; $30 off for $150 spending; $15 off for $100 spending.