TVs on Sale at Bing Lee: End of Year, Best Deals

At BIng Lee, there are no limits. Walk into the End Of the Financial Year Sale and take home your dream TV at the lowest possible price. Everything must go. From the smallest to the biggest TV, even your budget should ot limit you, as Bing Lee is always open to negotiations. Choose from among the long list of different brands, sizes and surprises. UA32H4000 for $385.00; UA32H5500 for $529.00; UA32H6400 for just $799.00; UA40H5000 for $699.00; UA40H5500 for $899.00; UA40H6400 for $979.00; UA48H6400 for $1299.00; UA55H6400 for $1499.00; UA55H7000 for $1999.00; UA55H8000 for $2899.00; UA55HU8500 for $3099.00; UA55HU9000 for $3899.00; UA60H6300 for $1749.00; UA60H6400 for $1899.00; UA65H8000 for $4299.00; UA65HU9000 for $5399.00; and UA75H6400 for $4299.00. LGs are on sale too starting with 42LB5610 for $769.00; 42LB5820 for $775.00; 42LB6500 for $1095.00. Check out the sale, only from Bing Lee.