Tex Murphy, Broken Sword, Syberia, Simon The Sorcerer: 70% OFF

Gog is holding a great sale for some great classical games. If you want to just collect, or play these games, thsi is your chance to get these all original and licensed games. Check out our long list of classic games: Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon; Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive and Tex Murphy: Overseer all go for just $2.99. Broken Sword 2,3,4 and Directors Cut are for just $1.79. Also available are Simon the Sorcerer. Little Big Adventure, Atlantis series, Still Life, Post Mortem And Syberia. All of the games are slashed down by 70% OFF the regular retail price. So check out Gog, and get your hands on these modern classic PC games.