50% OFF on helga's bread, Mission Corn Chips, other Grocery Items

Woolworths is running a 50% sale for the more common grocery items. But anything from the following list and pay only half the regular retail price: garnier Fructis Shampoo, Heinz Baked Beans, Nature's Way super Krill, carte noir dried coffee, Twinings tea bags, Helga's breads, barila Pasta and a lot more. even the Telstra LG optimus L3+ is only at $34.50 and the Optus starter kit is just $14.95, both 50% OFF. Check out Nivea pure and natural regenerating night cream, Listerine mouthwash, Schick Hydro and all Sunbeam nuts are at half the price. The Coca-Cola Lemon and Zero 1.25 liters are just $1. So check out the other products, all at 50% OFF at Woolworths.