Vaalia offers a $20-worth of free yoghurt if you're not satisfied

Here's challenging Vaalia deal for you! Purchase Vaalia yoghurt, and if you aren't completely satisfied with it after two weeks, make a complaint and the company will refund your money. Note that Vaalia will refund up to $20-worth of your purchase cost. To take the Vaalia two-week trial, you must purchase 14 serves of Vaalia yoghurt from participating retailers that issue receipt. Consume one 90-gram yoghurt each day for 14 consecutive days. And if you realized you don't like it, you can file your complaint with Vaalia. This is how to make a claim: 1. Fill out the official claim form that Vaalia provides in its website. 3. Answer the question, "Why didn’t you see the benefits of Vaalia yoghurt during the two-week trial?" in 25 words or less. 4. Attach the original product purchase receipt and the Vaalia yoghurt foils to the claim form and send it by mail to Vaalia.