Get Half Price Unlimited Rides for $22.5 after 6PM at Luna Park

The earthquake that recently struck Haiti will be one of the incredibly devastating world events that have shaken the world as we know it. In support for the victims and to raise funds for the continuing rehabilitation, Luna Park Sydney will be opening late on 31 January from 6 to 10 PM. All Sydney residents, and even those from other states, are encouraged to join and contribute to the cause by purchasing Go Wild Unlimited Rides Passes at HALF PRICE or just $22.50 each. All revenues from tickets, rides, food and beverages, side show games and merchandise on that night will go straight to the "Save the Children" charity to continue the relief and rehabilitation efforts for Haiti. Additionally, all Luna Park staff are working free of charge on that night in solidarity with the victims of the earthquake. Special offer passes will only be sold onsite at 6PM.