Ultimate Matrix Collection [Blu-Ray] : Just $31, About 80% OFF
![80%OFF Ultimate Matrix Collection [Blu-Ray] Deals and Coupons](/otherImages/12484.jpg)
A modern day classic action film, the Matrix Trilogy has captivated fans all over the world with that iconic flying kick by lead actor Keannu Reeves. Amazon has the Ultimate Matrix Collection [Blu-Ray] box set, and it's not only the three movies that's included. It has additional documentaries and the Animatrix. Best thing is thatit's only for $31.38, ,Deleivered. I checked other Australian sites and the cheapest is priced at $144. What a bargain for such a collectible Blu Ray set. This could be a gift to fellow Matrix fans. I've ordered 2 sets, and I'm sure my in law will like this very much. He's a Matrix addict too.