Deal on 60% off the Ubisoft Catalogue at GOG

Buys some of the best classic PC games at GOG for a discount of 60%! Every game has been remastered to be compatible with all versions of Windows. All you have to do is sign up at GOG and get an instant 9 PC games for free like Beneath a Steel Sky and Ultima IV. Some of the games include: Panzer General 2 $3.99 Panzer General 3D Assault $3.99 Driver: Parallel Lines $3.99 Heritage of Kings: The Settlers $3.99 Settlers 2: Gold Edition, The $3.99 Might and Magic 6-pack: Limited Edition $3.99 Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honor $2.39 Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer $2.39 Might and Magic 9 $2.39 Heroes of Might and Magic $3.99 Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Gold Edition $3.99 Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete Edition $3.99 You also receive extras like music from the games, maps, avatars, conceptual art etc.