Enjoy Exciting Offers for Good Beer Week 2014!

Check out Good Beer Week's Promo for new and existing users! *New user: Get up to $25 discount on your first UberBLACK ride. USe the promo code "GBW2014". *Opening Night Party(16th of May): Get one free UberBLACK ride to or from The Terminus Fitzroy (50$). (*)Limited sign ups. 1 trip per person. Pint of Origin Venues: Offering 20% discount for UberBlack rides festival long. THis is to and from Pint of Origin Venues and the Festival HUb, The Terminus Hotel. Every guest can avail up to 2 trips. *Closing Party(25th of MAy): Get a free UberBLACK ride to or from The Hub, The Terminus Fitzroy($50). https://www.goodbeerweek.com.au/news/42/UBER+deals+for+Good+Beer+Week+2014