Deal on iTunes TV series sale for $19.99

The iTunes store has a sale at their TV Store and offers season passes on discount and marathons of finished series. The list includes: Mad Men 1-6 House of Cards 1-2 Homeland 1-3 Vampire Diaries 1-5 The Bridge 1-2 Offspring 1-5 Modern Family 1-5 (and the only way to get S5 on HD legally…) American Dad 1-9 Downton Abbey 1-4 Breaking Bad complete (they also have a complete series bundle) American Horror Story 1-3 Inbetweeners 1-3 Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 1-4 Wonderland 1-2 Peaky Binder 1-2 Justified 1-5 Revenge 1-3 Greys Anatomy 1-9 Etc. I don't have time to list everything. Supposed to be painting my loungeroom… :P Also there are a few bundles like Game of Thrones 1-4, Complete Breaking Bad. Season Passes "Apparently" Discounted. They have these listed on a limited time discount page, but I've checked and a lot of these haven't actually been discounted yet. Castle Season 7 has Castle 7 Gotham 1 Agents of Shield 2 Homeland 4 Walking Dead 4 NCIS and NCIS LA (but not NCIS New Orleans damn it) Outlander