Great Laptop Sale at iiBuy: Toshiba L300 for $769 and more

iiBuy is having the greatest laptop sale anywhere on the web RIGHT NOW. Get the chance to choose from a wide range of brands to fulfill your heart's notebook and netbook desires. Some of the notebook models available are: Toshiba L300 for $769 with shipping, Toshjba A300 for $879 with shipping, Toshiba M800 for $1649 with shipping, ASUS X50GL-AP303E for $680 with shipping, ASUS M51VR-AP202E for $1349 + $14.95 flat shipping, and ASUS DV3 2002TU with free 3GB USB for $1149 with shipping. There are also also netbooks like the ASUS 1000HE for $499 with shipping and free car charger, MSI U100+ for $439 + $14.95 flat shipping with free Logitech mouse and car charger. There are a lot more models to choose from.