Get Flights Starting From $24.95 at Tiger Airways

I've done some research now that I fly a lot more than I used to. I saw some great deals on Tiger Airways, with prices starting from $24.95. You just have to search your route with their booking engine and the prices you'll find will be a lot cheaper. Here are some examples of routes and prices you can find: Melbourne (to/from) -Adelaide $24.95 -Canberra $24.95 -Hobart $24.95 -Launceston $24.95 -Gold Coast $34.95 -Mackay $34.95 -Alice Springs $59.95 -Sunshine Coast $34.95 -Rockhampton $39.95 -Perth $69.95, Adelaide (to/from) -Alice Spings $39.95 -Canberra $29.95 -Perth $44.95 -Hobart $34.95 -Gold Coast $39.95. The extra charges will be: $5 credit card fee per sector per person, $10 for baggage per sector for checked luggage, and no charge for 7kgs carry-on and free laptop allowance.