Nice Bargain for ThinkPad Tablet 2 from Lenovo for $507.50

The first thing that might pop into your mind, as soon as you think of an atom tablet is probably those horrible Atom netbooks that everyone hates. But even though the ThinkPad Tablet 2 from Lenovo is an atom tablet, it is in a completely different level than those horrendous Atom netbooks. It is of very good quality, and it works very fast and smoothly. You can't even compare it to those netbooks, and the best thing about it is that this tablet has a much lower price than directly purchasing it from Lenovo. It has 64 GB with wifi, and shipping costs $9.85. Even though it is more expensive than Asus ME400C, it is of better quality with longer battery life and better structure. But an important thing to note is that this works on Windows 8, and you can get a $70 cashback if you go to the powerbuy shop.