Free Copy of The Minimalists for Review

Have you ever felt that with all your earthly pleasures, you still weren't content with your life? Maybe you don't need all the trappings to be happy - after all, they always said that money doesn't buy happiness. Joshua Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus started the website called The Minimalists because of that same reason and they have co-written two books regarding leasing a minimalist life and Joshua has also written one novel entitled "As A Decade Fades". This time around, they are sharing their favorite essays on life and minimalism by offering a copy of "Essential Essays" to their loyal followers for five days from April 21st to 25th. Tell your husband, your parents, your siblings, your boss, the maintenance guy - anyone and everyone can benefit from this book and they can get it absolutely free. Don't forget to review on Amazon to also spread the word.