Bargain for game: The Last of Us for $9.99 from Oz Game Shop

This is a deal for The Last of Us game for $39.99 with additional shipping. The Last of Us is an extremely unique game with fast-paced action and is for Play Station 3. The Naughty Dog, producers of very famous games, created the Last of Us game. This game is has a dystopian setting where humans are fighting against a pandemic that is threatening humanity from falling into chaos. People who have been infected with the disease are killing humans, and the survivors are killing other humans for food and items. And the main protagonist, Joel is trying to help Ellie, a fourteen year old girl, escape a cruel military building she is currently living as her home. But from this escape, an amazing adventure spurs out, as they have to travel all around America while struggling to survive. With amazing and award winning story telling and visual effects, the Last of Us is an absolutely fantastic game.