Check out special price for all products at The Hut!

Hi guys, just saw this amazing deal at The Hut, thought you would be interested. So they are offering really special for lots of items here. This is part of the End of Summer sale so for those who missed the last deal, bette grab this chance. Here are some very attractive discount prices: Mirror's Edge (360) £10.08, Naruto Rise of a Ninja (360) £12.28, Dead Space (360) £13.28, F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin (360) £16.28, Bioshock (360, Steelbook) £16.28, House of the Dead Overkill (Wii) £12.28, Little King's Story (Wii) £17.28, Bioshock/Oblivion Double Pack (PC) £14.78, Half-Life 2 Orange Box (PC) £14.28. Enjoy!