Learn The Complete iOS Games Course: FREE
![FREE The Complete iOS Games Course Deals and Coupons](/otherImages/5949.jpg)
How does making your own iOS game sound to you? If you want to learn how, Bit Fountain IO is ofering a FREE course on making iOS games. To avail, all you need to do is "tweet" this course to your tweeter friends and followers. That's all they're asking for in return. IN the course, you'll learn about game development, sprite kit, scenes and nodes, coordinates, game loop, texture creation, sprite theory , atlas files, animation, parallax scrolling and a lot more. These terms may completely sound alien to you, but that's really the essence of the course. At the end of it, you'll all be familiar with the terms, and hopefully be satisfied with the product, your very own game. So check out Bit Fountain now.