Deal on The Big Cha Ching Sale at Big W from 6th June

Hey guys I just heard about this sale at Big W and looked it up on the internet and it is true Big W is having The Big Cha Ching Sale, starting Thursday on the 6th of June! You can find all sorts of items on discount from 20% to 50% on most items! Here is a list on some of the items worth getting: 50% off Décor Food Storage Containers 25% off All Cadbury Products 30% off Dickies Cotton Towel Range 40% off Tontine I Need A Good Night's Sleep Pillows, Quilts & Bed Accessories. 40% off Tontine Single Pillows 30% off Articdown Pillows & Quilts 25% off Jason Wool Quilts & Underlays 25% off Jaspa Pillows & Underlays 25% off Home & Home Cotton Flannelette Sheet Sets 25% off Just Kidding Cotton Flannelette Sheet Sets 30% off Home & Home 300 Thread Count Sheet Sets Visit their catalogues for more!