Deal on The Basement Collection for $1.00 at GamesGate

For all the game fans out there, GamersGate offer you The Basement Collection for only $1.00! The Basement Collection is a compilation of 9 indie games by Edmund McMillen, the guy who created Super meat boy and The Binding of Isaac. The games have been revamped and updated, with new bonus chapters and new music and art. The Basement Collection contains Aether, an exploration adventure game, Time Fcuk, a dark puzle game, Spewer, a physics based platform game, Meat Boy, the super meat boy prototype, Grey Matter, an anti shooter, Coil, an experimental game, and Triachnid, a physics based spider simulation game. The Basement Collection includes two secret unlockable games and comics and some scene material from Indie Game: The Movie. You will find there is brand new music, new content and extras, and you can see an hour of video and audio material on interviews and a lot of development material on characters.