For $59, Get 4 Days Delivery of The Age Newspaper, 7 Days for $99

Do you want to save more on your newspaper subscription? You can check out and consider this deal at Subscriptions Fair Fax online. You will only pay $59 for 4 days of The Age Newspaper subscription. If you opt for 1 week subscription or good for 7 days, it will only cost you $99. However, the deal is only applicable for Victoria residents since shipping in there is available per household. They only allow up to 1 subscription for each household too. Other rural places might have additional shipping cost. They'll also collect $30 if you decide to stop the subscription ahead of its termination date or period. The Age (Melbourne) Magazine won't be delivered to some non-metro residents. You also need to notify them within 48 hours if you want to terminate or put on hold of your subscription. Please check their website for the complete terms and conditions.