Recharge $30 in 3 Months, Get 1Gb Bonus on Telstra Prepaid Data

Telstra is giving out 1Gb bonus on their Telstra Prepaid Data for every new customer! You have to activate it within April 27, 2011 and June 30, 2011 to be eligible of this promotion. Every recharge at least $30 or more within 3 months, the bonus data will be added to your account. The best part is this reward data has a 30-day expiration and it only takes 48 hours maximum to credit it to your account. You can start using it then. By the way, the $30 recharge has a 30-day expiration too. Hurry and take advantage of this deal because it expires on June 30, 2011 or earlier if Telstra decides to terminate it. Just a simple tip, you can start with the $50 recharge that are now at $49 only for their Smart-Touch deal.