Deal on Telequip DSL008+ ADSL2+ Filter Splitter - $3.99 at Warcom

Hey guys I just saw this great offer at Warcom on the Telequip DSL008+ ADSL2+ Filter Splitter for only $3.99, including shipping! This is an amazing filter for your old telephones, whether they are wireless or wired, and they won't create the annoying noise anymore, even your internet connection will be faster! It comes with ADSL 1/2/2+. Telstra Listed. It is compliant with AS/ACIF S041:2005 and conforms to RCIT.0004 You can get 3 product per customer and there are plenty in stock, but be quick to get one for you because it is a time limited offer available only until Friday! If you post a comment with your order number you will receive some free lollies!