TCL 48" Full HD LED TV For $588 + Bonus Movie Passes!

Make space for a TCL 48" New Model Full HD LED TV in your home and get it for only $588. What's more Retravision is giving you bonus options: Gift 1: One (1) generic double movie pass valued at $38 Gift 2: 6 months of movies* upon redemption before 18th July A total of six (6) adult double movie pass tickets valued at $228 in total one (1) adult double pass cinema ticket awarded per month for six consecutive months. Claim here Do not miss this awesome deal from RetraVision! TV Specs •True Colour LED TV •Full HD 1920* 1080 Resolution •Dynamic Skin Correction •Motion Compensation •Smart Volume •DDAS Sound System •Smart PVR •HDMI 1.4 •USB 2.0 •Super Energy Efficiency •Premium Glass Stand Full list of specs here-