Best Promo on Tamrac for $24.95, Sigma Lenses for $308 and More

A clearance sale at Cameras Direct for your cameras need. You can get now a Tamrac for $24.95 only! Though, it's in limited quantity and normal shipping, insurance and large order costs will still be charged to you. You can use your PayPal too and GST has already been added to all prices so you can check the receipt later. You can also buy now the Velbon for $49.95 and Sigma lenses for $308 with Australian Warranty. Other items on sale are Vanguard Nivelo 245BK Tripod for $79.95 and Gary Fong Gear Guards for $4.95. You also get 18% less with your CamerasDirect card. Those items in stock will be delivered in 1-2 working days. I got my Tamrac now so you have to hurry too before they get sold out. It's worth spending now at this better price.