2 FREEBIES for parents! 50 Snapfish photos & Huggies swimpanst!

If you're a parent with a young child at home, you're going to love this deal! Get your kid new Huggies Little Swimmer swimpants (in 3 available sizes: 7-12kg, 11-15kg and 14 plus kg)for FREE! Swimpants are great for keeping children who love to play in the water protected and hygienic. The deal also gets better! Aside from swimpants, you can also create keepsake photos of your child learning how to swim and print them for FREE through Snapfish (if you're a new member)! You can even get as much as 50 FREE prints! The best part of this deal is that two people from the same household can actually redeem one set each! So that's times two for both freebies! So what are you waiting for? Get them now! Huggies promo though is only available to residents of Australia.