Super Cheap Coffee Deal at Manna for $49.96

Manna Beans launched Brewover,it isa Cold Brew Coffee & Control Flow Pour Over System. Brewover 3-in-1 coffee brewing device gives everyone the specialty coffee. It allows you to experience the complete process of coffee making in front of you in an appealing way through this innovative technology. It is designed like a clean hour glass made up of high grade crystal clear pyrex glass jug. It is easy to clean. All materials are made up of high quality grade materials to hold an withstand both hot and cold water and for multiple brewing function. The valve is made with a DZR brass which is food grade and often used for water boilers due to it's ability to tolerate high temperatures. Help Manna Beans by supporting thru pledge and get to be the first one to have a Brewover off the production line. This deal includes a 980g Columbian Tolima Volcano San Juan De La China and 980g Columbian Pitalito for only $49.96 with Free Shipping Australia Wide.