Deal on 50% off on specials from Coles
Coles is having a massive half price sale on selected items from the 2nd of September, until the 8th of September 2010. The selected item's list include: Cadbury Favourites 300g: $5.35 (was $10.70) Essential Ingredients Handwash 250ml or Bodywash 450ml: $1 (was $2) Macleans Extreme Clean White Toothpaste 170g: $2.27 (was $4.55) Nestle Connoisseur Ice Cream 1 Litre: $ 4.49 (was $ 8.99) Mars M&M, Pods or Dove 140g-200g: $1.89 (was $3.99) La Espanola Olive Oil 4 Litre: $ 22.50 (was $ 45) Gippsland Twist Flavoured Yoghurt 720g: $ 3.14 (was $ 6.29) Mersey Valley Vintage Cheddar (from the deli): $13 per kg (was $26 per kg) Lynx Overnighter Gift Set 1 Pack: $7.50 (was $15) Lynx Anti-Hangover Shower Gel Duo Pack 1 Pack: $10 (was $ 20) Brut For Men Anti-Perspirant Deodorant 150g: $2.83 (was $5.66) Nature's Way Fish Oil Capsules 200 Pack: $7.49 (was $ 14.99)