Buy Sony NEX-5T Camera for $569.95 from Ted's Cameras

This one for all of you who are looking for a good camera. Ted's Camera's offer you a amazing price reduction with Sony NEX-5T. Usual retail price can go up to $999. But with this awesome offer from Ted's Cameras, they let you grab it only for $599 and with using 'cart-5' coupon code when check out you can get a 5% discount. With that discount, your damage is $569.95. You can't beat that. This new Sony NEX-5T camera is equipped with 16.1 MP sensor, 16-50mm lens Full HD movie recording at 60p/60i/24p, WiFi is built in with NFC so you can use that to share your photos with any device that supports WiFi Direct. Head on to Ted's for more detail on this special offer.