Sony Centre HUGE SALE 2 for 1 SonyDSCW610B 14.1MP Camera only $99

SONY Centre is having a buy one-get-one free sale on cameras specifically their DSCW10B 14.1 MP Camera! You get double the item for the low price of $99! Visit your nearest SONY Centre for all other incredible deals such as the 46" ex650 SONY Bravia for only $797, 50% off on a SONY Balance Armature Headphone XPA31P (only $`98), a bonus SONY reader when you purchase Vaio laptopa (the reader is $179 if you buy it separately), Personal 3D-Viewer HMZT2 for only $966 and MDRZX600 Streeet Style Headphones for only $58 (this has $40 off its original price)! Participating shops include, but are not limited to, SONY Centre at Galleria Shopping Mall, Melbourne; SONY Centre at Chapel Street, Prahran VIC; SONY Centre Robina Shop, Robina Town Centre Drive Robina QLD; and SONY Centre at World Square Shopping Centre, Sydney. Call the stores ahead to know more about their deals.