Shoot Your Way to A Sony Alpha A6000 24.3 MP Camera: Only $746

Digi direct offers the Sony Alpha A6000 24.3 MP Camera (Black) with SELP1650 Lens in its lowest price ever. Check out the camera and compare the price with any other retailers and online sellers, and you will discover that this is the lowest price ever for this camera. Check also other products offered by Digi Direct, and see if anybody can beat their offers: Sigma AF 60mm f/2.8 DN Lens for Sony NEX for $167, Sigma 30mm f/2.8 DN Art Lens for Sony NEX for $156 and Sigma 19mm f/2.8 DN Art Lens for Sony NEX for $156. Now that's some deals indeed. So shoot your way to the lowest price ever. Go to Digi Direct.