Deal for Pre-Ordering CRYSIS 3 or DEAD SPACE 3 - Get 2$ Games

I stumbled upon an easy way to combine pre-ordering with some very inexpensive games. The deal says you can claim up to 5 games, that will cost you $2 each, when making a pre-order for: Crysis 3® Digital Deluxe Edition, Crysis 3® Hunter Edition and/or Dead Space™ 3 Limited Edition. The selected games are: Crysis Warhead® Dead Space™ Mass Effect™ Battlefield Bad Company™ 2 Vietnam Command & Conquer™ 4 Tiberian Twilight SPORE™ SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED™ SPORE™ Galactic Adventures Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3: Uprising SimCity™ Societies Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3 Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit. I think it's a good deal since I'll need something to play until the big games come out. I thought I should share since you can use some money saving after such a big spend.