Get a Samsung Series 9 Ultrabook NP900X3C-A03AU @$1088-Flingshot

This import only Samsung Series 9 Ultrabook NP900X3C-A03AU can now be got at a fabulous price through Flingshot. For the first time they have been able to get hold of it for so low a price as only $1088. it comes packed with a plethora of features such as an Intel Core i5-3317U and 4GB RAM. the inbuilt harddrive of this beauty has a storage space of 128GB and the SSD Screen Size is a good 13.3". the combination of the Verge OS Windows 8 in 64 Bit and Intel HD Graphics 4000 with Intergrated Resolution of 1600x900 makes this a great product at a great deal. not only is it priced at $150 lesser than other windows 8 Samsung 9 series model, but is also the lightest ultrabook on the market. So hurry and get your own model now.