Save $82: Buy Samsung PL120 Digital Camera for Just $115!

There is an exciting bargain on offer by Deals Off Your Trolley. With Just $117, buy a Samsung PL120 Digital Camera and save $82! Remember this price is inclusive of shipping costs, so don't worry about the item's delivery to your nearest vendor because it will shipped to you with no additional costs. This camera comes in shades of purple and pink. Grab the latest piece of technology in photography and video recording. The camera is equipped with a Dual Display to take snapshots through a smart 1.5" LCD and a viewing 2.7" LCD at the back. This enables you to take selfies almost effortlessly. It's easy to use because it's flippable, enabling you to capture difficult-to-capture experiences. It also comes with an built-in parental control, a jump shot, a smart filter, a soft focus, and a self-timer.