Samsung and HP on sale with free shipping at Shopping Express

Get huge discounts on Samsung and HP items at the Shopping Express Epic Hour Deals. Get a lot of great items at low prices. Enjoy the Samsung Plus 32GB MicroSD for only $20 & Pro 64GB for only $59.95 shipped. We are also offering the HP i7 G6 2235TX at $699 with free shipping on the Epic hour session. We also have the Samsung U28D590D 4k UHD 28" Monitor available at a low price of only $ 749. The website puts 100 pieces available for Samsung Plus 32GB Class 10 MicroSD but have been increased to 200 pieces so you can get more. re-order now with Coupon code: SAMSUNG4K o get a bonus Belkin Ultimate Series 4 Way Surge Board. Limited stocks only.