$218 Only for Brand New Samsung HD103UJ 1TB SATAII HDD at Mwave

Here is a pretty well-priced bargain on external hard drive at Mwave online. For as low as $217.95, you can have the brand new and robust Samsung HD103UJ 1TB SATAII HDD! It is the lowest price I can find online for such high performance external hard drive. You have to act quickly because the deal will expire on June 16,2008 or until the stocks are out. It won't be a surprised if these products will be gone fast as they are made of dual-ARM based firmware ATA with SMART Compliant ATA technology. It has also a NoiseGuard SilentSeek capability unlike other external HDD that makes you annoyed for producing irritating sound as it works. It can store up to 334Gb files density or up to 1TB. This model has a lot of modern technology to make it more powerful HDD. You can check it now at their website.