Samsung Galaxy Notes and phones plus 16GB SD card as low as $289

Exponline is having a sale on Samsung Galaxy Notes and Samsung Galaxy Smart Phones. Items on sale are amsung Galaxy S2 3G i9100, Samsung Galaxy S3 3G i9300, Samsung Galaxy S3 4G LTE i9305 , Samsung Galaxy S4 4G LTE i9505 16GB and Samsung Galaxy Note 3 4G N9005 32GB. The smartphones are unlocked and comes in different colors such as whte, black, blue and grey. Get these cool Samsung gadgets for as low as $199 and the highest price at only $589. These low prices comes with bonus gifts - a SANDISK 16 GB Micro SD Card and a Japan made crystal screen protector. Ship in 48 hrs without delay and comes with a 2-Year Local support & Warranty in AU.