Sale on Red Faction:Armageddon XBOX 360 & PS3 $16.49 at Play Asia

Red Faction: Armageddon focuses on destructible environments. The player must reclaim cultist fortifications on the disaster-ravaged surface of the planet and defend colonists from hostile Martian creatures in the ancient mines and chasms beneath it and cleansing infestations from all structures. Using the Magnet Gun, Darius, the main protagonist, fires first at one object, then at a second object, and then the first object rockets toward the second. The Nano-Forge returns, having been passed down through two generations of the Mason family. Darius' father has incorporated the tool with a function that reverses any and all destruction dealt to man-made objects. The Nano-Forge will also feature an ability known as Impact, which discharges an incredibly powerful burst of force which can blow away structures and throw enemies off their feet. Darius' Nano-Forge, weapons and armor are all upgradeable, improving their efficiency, unlocking new abilities, and altering their appearances.