Deal on Free ReaddleDocs for iPhone and iPod at iTunes

Free for today only thanks to AppBump in the new AppsGoneFree app. ReaddleDocs is all in one document reader for iPhone and iPod Touch. Readable docs from PC, Mac, web sites, email attachments, iDisk, Dropbox and iPhones which can be saves to your iPhone or iPod! It can open all PDF, despite the size, MS Office (Word, Excel and Powerpoint) and Apple iWork files, support full text search, has text reflow mode, handles PDF links and outlines, reads password protected docs, share emails and files with friends, read books in all kinds of formats: TXT, FB2, ePub, RTF and HTML, access iDisk, Dropbox, GoogleDocs etc, and even transfer files on iPhone with EDGE or 3G network! No additional software is required