Good Deal for Gamers with the Premium Gaming System for only $788

Attention all gaming enthusiasts: the Intel Core i5 4570 gaming system is giving you a great deal for only $788. This deal comes with an Intel 4th Gen Haswell 3.2GHz i5, Asus H87-E motherboard, 8GB of Kingston 1600MHz RAM and 1 Terabyte HDD. It also includes Gigabyte GTX660 for 7200RPM Graphics, Last Light Game Bundle for OC Metro, Samsung 24X for ODD and a Thermaltake Chaser A31 USB3.0 case. You need to be quick with this purchase though because this deal only lasts as long as supplies last (and units are very limited!). Make sure to purchase it as soon as possible and get this great deal at CPLOnline.