Metro Redux; Battlefield 4 Premium; Akibas Trip PS VITA: 75% OFF

I have been nice the whole year, so I think I deserve a reward from Santa. I'm not asking for a Harley; or a new boat perhaps. I know those are beyond Santa's budget. Some PlayStation games are enough for me. Hey fellow Oz bargainers, I'm just thinking out loud here. But Sony online has some nice deals for PS games. Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition is just $30.95. Battlefield 4 Vita is just $22.46, less the PS discount and another 10% on the side which makes it effectively lowered to some 75% OFF. Same with Dark Souls, Pro Evolution Soccer, Disgaea 4 and Akibas Trip. Lots of other games to check out. So if you think you've been nothing but nice the whole year, reward yourself with these games from the Sony store online.